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A concern of Enterprise Architecture

By - Vijay Sinha / Enterprise Architect / June 20, 2017, 11:13 p.m.
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Cut “Cross Cutting” concerns, A concern of Enterprise Architecture.

Most of the big organizations, going through a transitioning phase towards digital transformation, are facing ‘cross cutting concerns’ in varying degree and the scope of concerns are wide-

a.      Logging & Tracing.
b.      Monitoring & Operational Dashboard.
c.      Error & Exception Handling.
d.      CICD & DevOps.
e.      Appification.
f.       API-fication.
g.      Test Automation.
h.      BRMS.
i.       Incident Management.
j.       Code Review & Quality Management.
k.      Service Catalog.
l.       IT Vendor & Supplier management.
m.    Self-service portal.
n.      Big Data Management, Analytics & Reporting.
o.      Release, Change & Configuration Management.
p.      Knowledge Management.
q.      Open Source.
r.        IT Governance & Standardization.
s.       Security
t.        More..

The list is long but, the questions are?

1. Are organizations ready to recognize and accept it as a multi-layer concern (from an architecture point of view) and is not limited to one department or to one domain in an organization?

2. If organizations accept it then, are they ready to resolve these concerns from all perspectives - Technically, Intellectually, Operationally, Financially, Functionally, Full-heartily, etc.?

3. Has the mindset of stakeholders changed from individual view to a collective view to tackle these cross cutting concerns?

4. Are the team of Enterprise Architects ready, up-to-date and willing to speed up ‘digital transformation journey’ by solving all these ‘cross cutting concerns’ in a proper and timely manner?

5. Are the individual department or domain ready to forward these concerns to be solved  by Enterprise Architects or by the team of  IT4IT, at Enterprise level?

6. Are the organizations providing enough freedom & resource to Enterprise Architects to tackle these concerns technically, financially etc. to speed up on digital journey?

7.  Are the organizations taking full advantages of its vendors, partners, suppliers etc. on its expertise on the subject, experience, learning, recommendations etc.?


               Are we not retarding the revolution of digitization, by just focusing at narrow level, by looking the concerns in silos, by limiting the threat scope at team level, by leaving it for somebody else to solve or by solving the concerns just in pockets without thinking from a larger prospective, by keep-on delaying it,  by not providing enough budget and resource to solve it, by not providing much attention or willingness to solve it, etc.?

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VijayInteresting points!

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